Friday, June 25, 2021

#Title: how does planets are formed?

 Ans: as the big bang Explosion accord the debris went (star dust) in every direction the force is high the debris keep moving into further Space. Each and every debri contain a push and pull force (gravity).

When two debris collied each other there is huge explosion because the impact is so high debris got separated into small fragments. Each of the individual particle contain (debris) same push and pull force (gravity) for real the main debri contain gravity as explosion occurred the debri moving further away from the main debri  although the main debri contain gravity so the remaining fragments also contains gravity.  

The main particle (debris) is pulling all the remaining fragments towards into the atmosphere although the smaller fragments contain gravity (push and pull) force they are repelling each other so they are in ideally moving condition this is how our solar system formed. 

Debris is = Planets  

#Title: how does planets are formed?

 Ans: as the big bang Explosion accord the debris went ( star dust ) in every direction the force is high the debris keep moving into furthe...